lokakuu 2024

WOD for Sunday, Oct 13, 2024

|2024-10-12T20:10:58+03:0012 lokakuun, 2024|Yleinen|

Gymnasticsvoimistelua Walking lunge4 rounds for quality 12-15 + 12-15 behind the neck walking lunge - rest as needed Metcon5 rounds for time of: 20 db deadlift 45/35lbs 20m farmers walk 10-20 push up 20m farmers [...]

WOD for Sunday, Oct 06, 2024

|2024-10-05T20:10:36+03:005 lokakuun, 2024|Yleinen|

Gymnasticsvoimistelua Quality work3 rounds for quality 8-12 + 8-12 behind the neck reverse lunge max L-sit/ max strict t2b/ hollow hold - rest as needed Supersets3 x E3MOM as supersets: 8 Pendlay row 8 double [...]

WOD for Saturday, Oct 05, 2024

|2024-10-04T20:10:43+03:004 lokakuun, 2024|Yleinen|

Weightlifting CFELeon vetämä painonnosto. Push presspush press - find a heavy set of three in 12min Push pressE90SEC 5 x 4-6 push press AMRAP10AMRAP10 1 shuttle run (10+10m) 1 strict pull up/ c2b 2 shuttle [...]

syyskuu 2024

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