Wednesday 6.5.2020

At The GYM version

Front Squats & Back Squats

3 sets of

4 front squats followed by 6 back squats
@70-80% from front squat 1rm

*Start with 5 front squast than quick re-rack into back squats.
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

For Quality:
3-4 rounds of
3/3 Turkish Get Ups
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
10/10 Single leg deadlift
15/15 KB side bends

*For Quality. Rest as needed.


Anywhere version

Leg strength
For Quality
3-4 rounds of
10/10 Deadlift Hop
20 L-sit rainbows
10/10 Bulgarian split squat jump
10/10 Side plank oblique twist

*For Quality. No weights – try to be explosive. Rest as needed.

For Quality:
3-4 rounds of
3/3 Turkish Get Ups
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
10/10 Single leg deadlift
15/15 KB side bends

*For Quality. Rest as needed.

Bulgarian split squat jump

L-sit rainbows (Can be done without paralleled keeping ass and arms on the floor but lifting legs in a rainbow shape

Side plank oblique twist (0:59)