Wednesday 29.4.2020

At The GYM version


1 x 20 reps with your stronger mixed grip
1 x 10 reps with your weaker mixed grip
1 x 10 reps with your weaker mice grip

*Again add 2.5-5 kilos to last weeks sets.
Warm up again with sets of fives up to about heavyish five.
Remember the 10 rep sets should feel easier after the 20 rep set. So no need to add weights on those. Focus on technique. If you fail the 20 rep set – you will be doing 3 x 10 reps for now on.

For Quality:
* 6 KB Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 KB Hollow chest press
* 20 KB Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 KB Russian twists
* 6 KB Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 KB Hollow chest press
* 20 KB Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 KB Russian twists
* 6 KB Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 KB Hollow chest press
* 20 KB Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 KB Russian twists


Anywhere version

Leg strength
3-4 rounds of
10 Cyclist squat
10 Bulgarian split squats (R)
10 Bulgarian split squats (L)
One leg wall sit (20-30sec) (R)
One leg wall sit (20-30sec) (L)

*Rest as needed, for quality

For Quality:
* 6 Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 Hollow chest press
* 20 Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 Russian twists
* 6 Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 Hollow chest press
* 20 Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 Russian twists
* 6 Turkish get ups (alternating)
* 10 Hollow chest press
* 20 Single leg deadlift (alternating)
* 20 Russian twists