Wednesday 22.4.2020
At The GYM version
1 x 20 reps with your stronger mixed grip
1 x 10 reps with your weaker mixed grip
1 x 10 reps with your weaker mice grip
*Again add five (10 kilos if your deadlift is very strong) kilos to last weeks sets.
Warm up again with sets of fives up to about a 70-75%.
Remember the 10 rep sets should feel easier after the 20 rep set. So no need to add weights on those. Focus on technique. Do not use belt or straps and don't bounce the barbell. Touch and go style still is allowed.
One round every 3 minutes x 5
15 Thursters 42,5/30kg
10 Burpees to target
*Weight should be light so you can focus on the speed.
Anywhere version
Leg strength
3-4 rounds of
10 Single leg split squat pulses (R) (0:46 on the video)
10 Single leg split squat pulses (L)
10 Single leg deadlift hops (R) (1:10 on the video)
10 Single leg deadlift hops (L)
10 Side plank leg raises (R)
10 Side plank leg raises (L)
*Rest as needed, for quality
One round every 3 minutes x 5
15-25 Odd object Thursters / Squat jumps
10 Burpees with high jump
*Choose thruster reps according to your weight. If done with water bottles – more reps but if you have a db or kb – less reps. If done with one arm – split the reps for both arms.
Video for anywhere leg movements
CrossFit Espoo VS CrossFit 10K VS CrossFit Herttoniemi push up comp starts today. Which gym gets most reps in a week!?
Write down how many push ups you did today. Do them right and with a good technique even tho this is a comp. Scailing is allowed if needed.
Movement standard
How to scale: