Karantreeni "Snatch complexes"

3 x snatch pull + muscle snatch + snatch balance + ohs

3 x snatch pull + power snatch + snatch balance + ohs

3 x snatch pull + squat snatch + ohs

*Ensimmäinen complex erittäin kevyesti keskittyen vetoon ja nopeaan allemenoon. Seuraavaan ja viimeiseen complexiin voi lähestyä nousevin painoin. Lepoa 2-3 minuuttia sarjojen väleissä.

Karantreeni "Snatch and things"

*Lisää kaksi toistoa aina kierrosten edetessä

Pull ups
Power snatch
Burpees over the bar

RX 42,5/30kg

Outdoors running 60min: Testing tempo intervals

Warm-up 20min: Easy jogging, running drills and testing of different tempos.

Workout 30min: 5* E6MOM: Run ~700m at 70-85% of Max HR. Rest/walk the leftover time.

Cooldown 10min: Easy jogging.

Be careful with the intensity in the intervals – try to keep the HR and your pace steady in every set. During the intervals you should not feel too short of breath, and you need to be able to continue that pace still quite easily. The tempo of running should now be slightly faster vs. in the basic endurance workouts.

Karantreeni #Anywhere "Snatch and things"

Toistomäärät jokaisessa amrapissa.
*Lisää kaksi toistoa aina kierrosten edetessä

One arm power snatch
KB / DB / Odd-object, be creative!
Goblet squat
KB / DB / Odd-object, be creative!

Rest 4

One arm squat snatch
KB / DB / Odd-object, be creative!
Push up

Rest 4

One arm hang power snatch
KB / DB / Odd-object, be creative!
Weighted sit ups

Rest 4

One arm ohs
KB / DB / Odd-object, be creative!
Burpee over object