Karantreeni #Anywhere "Chipchipchipper"

For time

10 burpees
15 ground to over head (KB / DB / odd-object)
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (KB / DB / odd-object)
20 V up
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (KB / DB / odd-object)
20 V up
25 double unders / hops over object
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (KB / DB / odd-object)
20 V up
25 double unders / hops over object
30 air squats
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (KB / DB / odd-object)
20 V up
25 double unders / hops over object
30 air squats
500m run

*Ground to overhead = clean & jerk / snatch, alternate arms after every rep

Karantreeni "Chipchipchipper"

For time

10 burpees
15 ground to over head (barbell @ 42,5 / 30)
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (barbell @ 42,5 / 30)
20 toes to bar / knee raises
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (barbell @ 42,5 / 30)
20 toes to bar / knee raises
25 double unders
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (barbell @42,5 / 30)
20 toes to bar / knee raises
25 double unders
30 air squats
10 burpees
15 ground to over head (barbell @ 42,5 / 30)
20 toes to bar / knee raises
25 double unders
30 air squats
35 cal bike / row / ski

*Ground to overhead = clean & jerk / snatch / power cluster