Karantreeni #Anywhere "Legzzz"
5 rounds for quality
12/12 Bulgarian split squats (kehonpainolla tai lisäpainolla)
12/12 One legged dl (takajalka sohvalla/korokkeella, reppu/laukku lisäpainoksi)
30/30 sec one legged wall sit
60 sec wall sit
Rest as needed between rounds
Karantreeni #Anywhere "Death by burpees"
EMOM as long as possible
start with 1 burpee and add 1 rep every minute.
Karantreeni "Heavy single clean" / Advanced
Build up heavy single clean
Karantreeni "Hang cleans"
2 hang cleans
Focus on technique – climb up to heavy double.
Karantreeni ”Skill conditioning”
EMOM12 (4 rounds)
1. 5-15 t2b / knee raises (Choose a challenging amount you can do unbroken)
2. 10-20 cal row
3. Rest
Karantreeni #Anywhere "Core"
4-10 v ups / tuck ups
4-10 hollow rocks
4-10 sec hollow hold
*Yritä tehdä toistot putkeen alle 40 sekunnin sisään