”The Seven”

Hero workout


7 rounds for time:
7 handstand push-ups
7 thrusters (40/60kg)
7 knees-to-elbows
7 deadlifts (75/110kg)
7 burpees
7 KB swings (24/32kg)
7 pull-ups

Scaled 1:

5 rounds for time:
7 handstand push-ups
7 thrusters (30/45kg)
7 knees-to-elbows
7 deadlifts (45/70 kg)
7 burpees
7 KB swings (16/24 kg)
7 pull-ups

Scaled 2:

5 rounds for time:
7 push-ups
7 thrusters (15/20 kg)
7 hanging knee raises
7 deadlifts (25/35kg)
7 burpees
7 KB swings (8/12 kg)
7 ring rows


CrossFit hero workout.
Try to finish the workout in 21:00-30:00.
Keep rounds to 4:00 or less.
Barbell movements should be complete in unbroken sets for most rounds.
Gymnastics movements should be unbroken across the entire workout.