Saturday 2.5.2020

at the gym version

Front Squats & Back Squats

3 sets of

5 front squats followed by 7 back squats
@60-70% from front squat 1rm

*Start with 5 front squast than quick re-rack into back squats. We will continue this progress into heavier weights with smaller rep range. Do not go too heavy!
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

1. Single arm alternating DB Devils press
2. Single arm alternating DB Thruster
3. Single arm alternating DB Snatch
4. Burpee over DB
5. Rest

*Work continuously for about 45sec. Try to keep the amount of reps the same every rounds. Think about moving efficiently without going to the dark place.


Anywhere version

Legs and core
3-4 rounds of
10 Pistol squats
20 Single leg alternating V Ups
10/10 Single leg Glute bridge
10/10 Side plank with adductor lift

*For Quality. Rest as needed.

1. Single arm alternating Devils press
2. Single arm alternating Thruster
3. Single arm alternating Snatch
4. Burpee over something
5. Rest

*Use whatever equipment you have, the weight will determine your pace. Work continuously for about 45sec. Try to keep the amount of reps the same every rounds. Think about moving efficiently without going to the dark place.

Pistol squats options

Side plank with adductor lift (3:48)